10 Genius Tips to Avoid Wasting Filament When 3D Printing

10 Geniale Tipps, um Filamentverschwendung beim 3D-Drucken zu vermeiden - 3ddruckboss


When 3D printing, it is important to handle the filament efficiently to both save costs and reduce environmental impact. In this article we give you ten brilliant tips on how to avoid wasting filament when 3D printing.

1. Use a filament recycler

An effective way to reduce filament waste is to use a Filament recycler. These devices allow you to recycle leftover filaments and defective prints and reuse them instead of throwing them away.

2. Optimize your print settings

Another way to save filament is to optimize your print settings. By fine-tuning parameters such as print speed, layer height and infill, you can reduce material consumption without compromising print quality.

3. Use supporting structures sparingly

Supporting structures can help print complex shapes, but they can also use up a lot of filament. Therefore, use them sparingly and optimize their placement to minimize material consumption.

4. Print multiple parts at the same time

To make the printing process more efficient, print multiple parts at the same time. This optimizes the utilization of the print bed and reduces material consumption per part.

5. Use engraving lasers with low tolerance

Low tolerance filament enables more precise prints, which in turn reduces material consumption. Therefore, invest in high quality filament with tight tolerances to avoid waste.

6. Avoid common printing errors

Printing errors can result in significant filament waste. Be sure to monitor your prints carefully and quickly address issues such as clogging or adhesion issues to minimize material loss.

7. Recycle defective prints

Instead of throwing away faulty prints, you can try repairing or recycling them. With a little creativity, you may be able to salvage valuable filament and use it for future projects.

8. Use sustainable 3D printer

Choose filament from sustainable sources to further reduce your environmental impact. There are a variety of eco-friendly filament options on the market that are made from recycled or biodegradable materials.

9. Optimize the printing process

By optimizing the entire printing process, from modeling to finishing, you can further reduce material consumption. Invest time in planning and preparing your prints to minimize waste.

10. Share your knowledge

Finally, it is important to share your knowledge about reducing filament waste. By collaborating with other 3D printers and disseminating best practices, we can together help reduce environmental impact and conserve resources.


Reducing filament waste is not only good for your wallet, but also for the environment. By following the tips above and optimizing your printing processes, you can help improve the sustainability of your 3D printing process.